A powerful solution to improve the quality of motion.
The AERO Flow is a highly effective device that enhances a patient's mobility. It is compatible with both CT8 and CT9 units, making it the most powerful solution available for fascia on the market.

Treat Multiple Conditions
Address all the repercussions associated with insufficient and poor-quality movement.
Intense Treatment
CT9 utilizes advanced RF technology for specific and highly effective treatments, ensuring faster recovery times and superior results for patients.
Light & Compact
AERO flow seamlessly integrates into CT devices, offering a lightweight and compact solution without compromising the expected standards of quality, robustness, and safety.
Built-in Protocols
Utilize the technology to its full potential from the outset and extend your learning further with the ‘built-in’ protocols crafted by our specialized medical team.
Hands-Free Operation
AERO flow is adaptable for hands-free treatment with fixed cups, allowing easy setup for professionals and operation for streamlined applications.
Effective Results
Precise suction tailored to each cup size, optimizing treatment objectives for effective results in muscle treatments, range of motion improvement, and cellulite reduction from the first session.

Sport Physio


Dermato Functional
I’ve never experienced more effective treatment than the combination of negative pressure and radiofrequency. People love receiving negative pressure treatments because is that treatment that gives the best effect and an immediate relief after the treatment. They can feel the heat and the blood circulation on the area and it’s long lasting after the treatment also.
his device is a good investment for me as I have everything I need in one place. I have the power to move the fascia and add then the deep heat of INDIBA. As a result, the tissue is much softer and lighter. The key is that everything is in one. All I can say is; this works!
Dynamic mode
Static mode

Accessories and Consumables

Plastic Cups

Crystal Cups


- Tumours (on or around the tumour area).
- Genital área.
- Pregnancy.
- Thrombosis and/or thrombophlebitis.
- Anticoagulant treatment.
- At the end of the session, if bruising appears in areas that are exposed to the sun, a high-protection factor sunscreen must be used to protect these areas.
- Avoid areas near varicose veins.
- Consult a physician when any of the following conditions is applicable:
- Diabetes or chronic diseases.
- Stroke.
- Hypertension / Hypotension.
- Inflammation.
- Haemophilia.
- In addition, remain vigilant in case of taking analgesics and physiological disorders.
- The unit must not be applied directly in these areas:
- Open wounds or recent scars.
- Broken muscles.
- Recent tattoos.
- Infected áreas.
- Tensor threads or fillers.
- Abdominal mesh.
- Varicose veins.
Why 448 kHz?
INDIBA is investing a lot of resources into the research of its technology, in order to guarantee the best results. During this process, a team from the prestigious Spanish University Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid, Dr. Úbeda and his associates have been studying what happens to the body’s cells when INDIBA is applied. They have discovered that INDIBA’s 448 kHz frequency is effective at stimulating stem cells to proliferate and differentiate, and that normal, healthy cells are not affected in the process. Tests were also performed on certain types of cancer cells in vitro, where it was found that the number of these cells decreased, but not the number of normal cells, making it a safe process to be used in humans and, therefore, also in animals.
Which are the main biological effects of INDIBA therapy?
The effects depend on the temperature reached:
- At non-heating intensities, due to the effect of the single 448 kHz current, biostimulation happens. This can help in the early stages of an injury by accelerating the body’s healing actions. It can also help relieve pain by speeding it through the inflammatory pathway.
- At moderate temperatures, the principal effect is vascularization, which makes the deep blood flow increase, providing more oxygen and nutrients for repair. Muscle spasms decrease and there is also a reduction in pain. Edema can be drastically reduced.
- At high temperatures, there is a hyperactivation effect, making both the volume and intensity of deep blood flow increase (Kumaran & Watson 2017). In beauty, high tissue temperature can reduce wrinkles and fine lines, as well as the look of cellulite (Kumaran & Watson 2017).
Do I have to be a professional to apply INDIBA?
Yes, it is necessary to be certified to receive INDIBA equipment and to follow a specific training.
Is there a maximum number of INDIBA therapy sessions?
There is no limit. The number of sessions will depend on the disease or condition to be treated and its gravity. Your professional may recommend follow-up treatments to achieve longer-lasting results, if you suffer from chronic conditions or if you wish to enjoy long-term effects.
Are there any side effects as a result of INDIBA therapy?
INDIBA therapy is gentle on the body. However, you may experience a slight redness that will fade fairly quickly and/or a momentary tingling of the skin, when the skin is very sensitive or very high temperatures are reached. Your health professional will tell you everything you need to know about it.
What are the major contraindications for INDIBA therapy?
- Pacemakers or other types of electronic implants.
- Pregnancy
- Thrombophlebitis
Devices working at 448 kHz are not restricted in the case of metal implants (hip and knee prostheses, metal pins, and plates).
Are there any precautions for applying INDIBA?
If you are taking anticoagulant or oncological medication, ask your doctor first to see if it is possible to apply INDIBA. If he/she gives you permission, let your health professional know, so that he/she can adapt the treatment.
If you have any of the following pathologies or disorders, please inform your health professional before starting the session, so that he/she can analyze and adapt the treatment:
- Active infections
- Altered cognition
- Lack of sensation
- Recent wounds and burns
- Tumors
Can I receive INDIBA if I have a metal prosthesis?
Yes, the metal prosthesis is not a contraindication for treatment because the action of the system does not heat the metal.
Can I receive therapy if I have an intrauterine device (IUD)?
In the case of a metallic IUD, a 448 kHz current is not contraindicated. In the case of a hormonal IUD, direct and sustained hyperthermia in the uterus should be supervised, as it may decrease the effect of contraceptive protection. Ask your health care professional for advice.
Can I be treated with INDIBA if I am undergoing hormonal therapies?
Yes, INDIBA is not contraindicated if you are on hormonal therapy. Be sure to consult your health professional.
Can I receive INDIBA during my period?
Yes, period are not a contraindication, in any case. The health professional can apply any treatment to a woman on her period. If she feels comfortable, there is no problem.
INDIBA is completely safe, as it does not affect the hormonal cycle directly. Still, as there is an increase in metabolism as a result of the effect of the current, the period may become heavier on the day the therapy is applied. If you do not feel comfortable receiving perineum level treatment (extra or intracavitary), please inform your health professional to consider a different option.
Can an INDIBA treatment affect an implanted mesh?
INDIBA is not expected to affect an implanted mesh, as long as there are no complications or symptoms directly related to the mesh’s use. However, it is important to keep in mind that some meshes create fibrosis in the area of implantation for up to six months, which is necessary for their function. In these cases, and during this time, it is advised to work with caution, avoiding the mesh area and using a maximum level of IAS 3. Furthermore, INDIBA can be applied without moderate or intense heat, staying at a gentle thermia, while avoiding working on the area where the mesh is fitted. If you have any doubts, get advice from your health professional.
Is INDIBA suitable for menopausal women?
Yes, INDIBA can treat the dryness and itching associated with menopause by restoring the vaginal mucosa. Ask your healthcare professional for advice.
If I am pregnant, can I get INDIBA treatment?
No, it is absolutely a contraindication to receive INDIBA treatments at any stage of pregnancy, even if the procedure is not applied to the abdominal area. If you are pregnant, please inform your health care professional.
Can I receive treatment with an implanted electronic device (such as neobladder implants or electrodes for neuromodulation of pain)?
No, this is an absolute contraindication. We can only work with removable electronic implants, so if the patient cannot remove or switch off the device, INDIBA treatment cannot be applied.
Can I exercise after INDIBA treatment?
If high temperatures have been used on the injured area during treatment, you should avoid any excessive exercise that day. The area should be left in “semi-rest”. The analgesic effect is very strong, and you could put too much strain on the injured area and not know it.
Can I receive INDIBA therapy if I have a nickel allergy?
Different electrodes are used to deliver the INDIBA radiofrequency current. The RES (resistive) electrodes and the return plate are nickel-based and should, therefore, not be used for people who are allergic to nickel. However, INDIBA radiofrequency treatment can also be applied via adhesive electrodes; these do not contain nickel and would, therefore, be suitable for people with a nickel allergy.
Can INDIBA be used to treat cancer?
No, INDIBA radiofrequency is not designed for the treatment of cancer. Nevertheless, and always after an evaluation with an oncologist specialist, INDIBA radiofrequency can be used in cancer patients who also have musculoskeletal problems.
I have a scar on an injured area, can I treat that area with INDIBA?
There is no issue using INDIBA radiofrequency on a scar, if it is closed. For open scars, INDIBA treatment can still be given around the area.
How does AEROflow work?
AEROflow employs different types of cups to apply negative pressure on the skin and this helps to manipulate the soft tissue. By combining two treatment modalities (static and dynamic), AEROflow decreases muscle tone, and the result is an increased range of motion and local blood flow.
What is AEROflow used for?/strong>
AEROflow technology offers a wide variety of applications that increase range and quality of motion, improve myofascial restrictions, reduce muscle tension, enhance drainage, and enable keloid treatments. For this reason, AEROflow is especially recommended in lumbar area release treatments, and to improve the articular complex of the hip or plantar fascia. It is also helpful in post-exercise recovery, and in the reduction of cervical and dorsal tension.
Treatment Indications
Relief of pain and inflammation in musculoskeletal injuries
Ankle injury
Arthritis and arthrosis pain
Cervical pathology
Lumbar discopathy
Neural injury
Muscle strain
Pyramidal syndrome
Joint pain
Myofascial pain syndrome
Hematomas and wounds
After surgical procedures in musculoskeletal interventions
Post surgical inflammation
Post surgical pain and skin injury
Pressure ulcers.