Premium NS Intima

Elevate Pelvic Health and Master Aesthetic Excellence

Utilizing monopolar radiofrequency at 448 kHz, it accelerates natural healing, stimulates stem cells, and promotes tissue regeneration. Painless, safe, and versatile – revolutionizing gynecology and aesthetics for optimal well-being.

Treatment Indications

Relief of pain and inflammation after surgical procedures

Post-surgical erythema
Post-surgical inflammation
Post-surgical pain
Urogenital surgery

Pelvic floor rehabilitation

Postpartum pain
Pudendal nerve entrapment
Pudendal neuralgia
Peyronie’s disease
Perineal hypertonia
Erectile disfunction

Tissue regeneration of damaged skin

PAnal fissure
Vaginal inflammation
Vulvar disorders
Oedema and hematoma reabsorption enhancement
Rectal inflammation


Pelvic Health Treatment

Enhance manual therapy and therapeutic exercise effectiveness by reducing pain, boosting blood flow, and relaxing muscles. Experience rapid recovery, improved pelvic muscle function, and lasting pain relief for your clients.

Gynecoaesthetic Treatment

INDIBA delivers fast and effective results when treating vaginal, urinary or menopause symptoms. Our pain-free technology stimulates tissue repair, relieves symptoms, and reduces pain and inflammation.




With INDIBA Radiofrequency, only 3 sessions of 15 minutes are enough to address a complete process of female genital rejuvenation, resulting in better tissue and mucus compaction, during a pleasant and painless procedure.

Dr. Jackie Calleja Gynecologist – Madrid


Premium NS is a medical device that uses monopolar radiofrequency technology to accelerate and enhance the body’s natural healing process, providing various therapeutic benefits to patients. The treatment method relies on the well-studied frequency of 448 kHz, which has been proven scientifically to produce consistent clinical outcomes.

Numerous studies demonstrate how our unique fixed radiofrequency at 448 kHz can stimulate stem cell proliferation, mobilize fat deposits, accelerate fibroblast migration, promote chondrocyte differentiation, and improve cartilage quality.

Furthermore, the Premium NS offers painless, safe and non- invasive treatments, combining thermal and electrical effects, to provide a wide range of treatment benefits for patients and faster recovery in both the short and long term across a breadth of conditions.



Thousands of clinics and doctors world wide trust and work every day combining its treatments.

Cutting-Edge Design

Independent and integrable device and stand. Intutive touch screen. Return Plate heater.


Extensive selection of accessories for different anatomical areas and medical speciaties.

Easy to Use

Intuitive software and electrodes adapted to each treatment zone. Software version upgrading and new functionalities via WiFI.


Maximum precision in energy output.


Tested in the most demanding work environments. High quality in all accessories and components.

Monitoring Software

Storage and management of patients’ clinical data.


Contact detection control, maximum reliability and safety during treatment.

Continuous Modulation (Patented)

Greater Electrical Intensity with no increase in the temperature of the tissue.

*Patent: (N:2 658 762 / E52 650 762 01)

Validated and Customizable application protocols

Clinical practice guides endorsed by experts, for proven, homogeneous and reproducible results.

Accessories and Consumables

  • Use of pacemakers or other electronic implants.
  • Pregnancy
  • Thrombophlebitis


  • Oncological patient:
    • Cured patient. Can be treated.
    • Active tumour. Avoid tumour and regional ganglions.
    • During oncological treatment. Refer to the oncologist.
  • Infections: do not treat the involved area.
  • Anticoagulant medication: ask the doctor in charge.
  • Impaired cognition. Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Impaired sensation: Apply less output power, close attention to skin colour changes and skin palpation by the therapist to control the local heat.
  • Wounds and burns: Work under aseptic conditions and under subthermal mode.

Side effects

After treatment, it is normal for clients to feel a warm sensation in the treatment zone. The client may also notice some temporary discomfort in this zone. On rare occasions, the application of INDIBA® PROIONIC® Creams may cause mild skin irritation.

How does INDIBA work ?
INDIBA technology uses the power of radiofrequency to promote cellular and tissue regeneration to relieve pain, reduce discomfort and improve tone, hydration and vascularization of muscles in the pelvic region.

What does the treatment feel like?
The applications are painless and pleasant. Treatments are performed using two types of electrodes: capacitive and/or resistive, external or intracavitary depending on the characteristics required by the treatment.

Is the intracavitary electrode uncomfortable during an INDIBA treatment?
Not at all. The patient will feel the insertion or removal of the electrode, depending on the distensibility of the area to be treated, but under no circumstances it should be an uncomfortable or painful sensation. Your health professional will discuss any concerns you may have and will inform you of the procedure to be followed.

How often can it be applied?
INDIBA technology is harmless and can be applied with no limit to the number of sessions. The frequency of treatments depends on the pathology and how acute or chronic it is. Usually it starts with 2 times a week, being progressively applied once a month in case of maintenance of chronic pathologies such as prolapse or menopause.

How many sessions are needed?
The number of sessions is a very wide variable. We have a wide range of possibilities, being always the medical professional who determines the ideal number of sessions for your case and adapts the treatment to your needs.

Why 448 kHz?
INDIBA is investing a lot of resources into the research of its technology, in order to guarantee the best results. During this process, a team from the recognized Spanish University Hospital Ramón y Cajal in Madrid (Dr. Úbeda and his team) have been studying what happens to the body’s cells when INDIBA is applied. They have discovered that the 448 kHz frequency of INDIBA is effective at stimulating stem cells to proliferate and differentiate, and that normal, healthy cells are not affected in the process. Tests were also performed on certain types of cancer cells in vitro, where it was found that the number of these cells decreased, but not the number of normal cells, making it a safe process to be used in humans and, therefore, also in animals.

Which are the main biological effects of INDIBA therapy?
Depending on the temperature reached, different effects are achieved:

  • At non-heating intensities, due to the effect of the single 448 kHz current, biostimulation happens. This can help in the early stages of an injury by accelerating the body’s healing actions. It can also help relieve pain by speeding it through the inflammatory pathway.
  • At moderate temperatures, the principal effect is vascularization, which makes the deep blood flow increase, providing more oxygen and nutrients for repair. Muscle spasms decrease and there is also a reduction in pain. Edema can be drastically reduced.
  • At high temperatures, there is a hyperactivation effect, making both the volume and intensity of deep blood flow increase (Kumaran & Watson 2017). In beauty, high tissue temperature can reduce wrinkles and fine lines, as well as the look of cellulite (Kumaran & Watson 2017). In beauty, the high tissue temperature can reduce wrinkles and fine lines, as well as the appearance of cellulite.

Do I have to be a professional to use INDIBA?
Yes, it is necessary to be certified to receive INDIBA equipment and to take specific training.

Is there a limit on the number of INDIBA therapy sessions?
There is no limit. The number of sessions will depend on the disease or condition to be treated and its severity. Your doctor may recommend follow-up treatments to prolong the results if you suffer from chronic conditions or if you wish to enjoy longer-lasting effects.

Are there any side effects as a result of INDIBA therapy?
INDIBA therapy is harmless to the body. Nevertheless, you may experience a slight reddening that will fade rather quickly and/or a brief tingling of the skin when it is very delicate or when very high temperatures are reached. Your health professional will tell you everything you need to know about it.

What are the main contraindications for INDIBA therapy?

  • Pacemakers or other types of electronic implants
  • Pregnancy
  • Thrombophlebitis

Devices working at 448 kHz are not restricted for metal implants (hip and knee prostheses, metal pins and plates).

What are the precautions to be taken when using INDIBA?
If you are taking anticoagulant or oncological medication, check with your doctor first to see if it is possible to apply INDIBA. If he/she gives you permission, inform your health professional, so that the treatment can be adapted.
If you have any of the following pathologies or disorders, please inform your health professional before the session, so that he/she can evaluate and adapt the treatment:

  • Active infections
  • Altered cognition
  • Lack of sensation
  • Recent wounds and burns
  • Tumors

Can I receive INDIBA treatment if I have a metallic prosthesis?
Yes, the presence of a metal prosthesis is not a medical contraindication for the treatment because the system does not heat the metal.

Can I be treated if I have an intrauterine device (IUD)?
If you have a metallic IUD, a power of 448 kHz is not contraindicated. In case of a hormonal IUD, direct and sustained hyperthermia in the uterus must be controlled because it may reduce the efficacy of contraceptive protection.

Can I be treated with INDIBA if I am underdoing hormonal therapies?
Yes, INDIBA is not contraindicated if you are on hormonal treatment. Please ask your healthcare professional for advice.

Can I receive INDIBA during my period?
Yes, menstruation is not a contraindication in any case. The health professional can apply any treatment to a woman during her period. If she feels comfortable, there is no problem.
INDIBA therapy is completely safe because it does not affect the hormonal cycle directly. As there is an increase in metabolism because of the current effect, it may be the case that the period is heavier on the day of treatment. If you do not feel comfortable receiving treatment at the perineal level (extra or intracavitary), please inform your health care professional to address the situation differently.

Can an INDIBA procedure affect a transvaginal mesh?
Having a transvaginal mesh is not a contraindication, if you do not have any complications or symptoms directly related to the use of this material. Ask your healthcare professional for advice.

Is INDIBA suitable for menopausal women?
Yes, INDIBA can treat the dryness and itching associated with menopause by helping to restore the vaginal mucosa. Ask your health care professional for advice.

If I am pregnant, can I receive INDIBA treatment?
No, it is an absolute contraindication to receive INDIBA treatment at any stage of pregnancy, even if the procedure is not applied to the abdominal area. If you are pregnant, please inform your health professional.

Can I be treated with an implanted electronic device (such as neobladder implants or electrodes for neuromodulation of pain)?
No, this is an absolute contraindication. We can only work with removable electronic implants, so if the patient cannot remove or switch off the device, it is a condition that excludes INDIBA treatment.

Can I exercise after INDIBA therapy?
If high temperatures have been used on the injured area during treatment, you should avoid any excessive training that day. The area should be kept at “semi-rest”. The analgesic effect is very strong and you may place too much pressure on the injured area without even noticing.

Can INDIBA be applied to treat scars?
Yes, INDIBA can help in the scarring process and in the esthetic improvement of olds scars. Ask your specialist for advice.

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