Management of Pudendal Neuralgia with INDIBA Therapy.
Published:2 March,2022
What follows is the testimony of Christelle Allouard, Liberal Midwife from Saint-Didier au Mont d’Or, France, on the treatment of Pudendal Neuralgia with INDIBA therapies.
The Patient
“Mrs. C, 38 years old, was admitted to me for pudendal neuralgia diagnosed by her general practitioner. Indeed, Mrs. C presented with perineal and clitoral pain with a burning sensation rated between 9 and 10/10 on the pain scale.
These pains appeared after her delivery in 2009 but were exacerbated after a bicycle ride on March 1, 2019. As a result of her condition, the patient struggled to sleep, was in severe pain, and intercourse was made impossible. The antiepileptic treatment set up by her doctor had also been discontinued because the patient did not support it.”
“I started treating her in conjunction with her attending physician on March 11. However, the first INDIBA session began on March 14 using an Activ 7 device in the affected area.
I worked on the sacral holes S2, S3, and S4, the piriformis, the sacrosciatic and sacrotuberous ligaments, and the Alcock canal with an IAS (heat sensation scale) of 2 to 3.
I used the flat electrodes in the capacitive mode for 5 minutes, then in the resistive mode for 11 minutes, and finally back to capacitive for 2 minutes to complete the session. The rating of pain post-session was 4/10.
At the second appointment, on March 19, Mrs. C told me that the pain was still between 3 and 4/10 but that she could now sleep through the night. I applied another perineal session with the flat electrodes in CAP mode for 5 minutes, RES mode for 8 minutes, and back to CAP for 2 minutes.
On March 22, I performed another session in the lumbosacral area, and on March 26, Mrs. C told me that she had resumed sexual intercourse without any pain. I did a specific technique to mobilize the coccyx and set up the optimal conditions to mobilize the perineum. On March 28, Mrs. C confirmed she no longer felt pain from any type of stimulation.”
“On April 1, the pain started again for the patient after defecation. In response, I performed an INDIBA session in the abdominal region with the flat electrodes, and on April 5, I administered a session in the lumbosacral region. Some tingling and contractions of the perineum occurred in the meantime, but these were completely manageable by the patient.
Mrs. C had an MRI on April 4 and saw the neurologist on April 18, who confirmed the diagnosis yet was surprised by Mrs. C’s significant absence of pain.”
There is a large selection of INDIBA devices to use, each of which has its specific uses that correlate to different areas of the body and treatments offered. To explore the INDIBA Activ range, follow this link.
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