Interview with Sarah Robinson (United Kingdom)
Published:20 May,2021
Sarah Robinson (Equine Physio UK) joined the INDIBA Animal Health family in late 2019 when, after being impressed by the technology and its amazing effects, decided that she had to have this treatment for her patients.
Since then, she’s been using INDIBA, not only because she is able to treat quickly and efficiently her patients, but also because of the relaxing effect on the horse. “Simply seeing a horse return to full comfort and soundness is good enough for me”. Read it all in this great interview!
How did you learn about INDIBA?
I watched an equine demonstration carried out by Hannah Ashton (INDIBA Trainer on site) and Helen Walsh (Clinical Lead U.K. & Ireland). I was so impressed with the technology that after research and lots of questions I went to a second demonstration with a presentation from Prof Tim Watson. This sealed it for me!
For which indications/cases do you find INDIBA most useful?
That’s hard to limit it to just a few. As long as I’m able to carry out a course of around 4 or 5 applications, then INDIBA has great success with a lot of cases that previously I wouldn’t have had success with. I treat many torn tendons and patella ligament tears in a comparatively quick time-frame. In several competition horses, on veterinary consent, I have completely replaced the 6 monthly Joint medication to hocks and stifles suffering from arthritic changes. Scar tissue that has created restriction and big sore splints both respond very well to INDIBA in improving soundness and reducing pain.
(Picture property of Sarah Robinson, posted on @equinephysiouk instagram)
You work with a lot of elite horse trainers who are usually very sceptical about technology and new treatments. How did you manage the introduction of INDIBA with them?
Evidence… When you provide evidence and a good sound knowledge of the technology then I never have a problem. A lot of trainers are wanting to find alternative treatments to medication and this ticks those boxes for them. I know that having the backing and support of 4 local veterinary practices who came to my demo day – with Helen Walsh and Hannah Ashton – can also sometimes be the extra bit of confidence that a trainer may just need with a relatively new therapeutic modality.
What are the main benefits you see with your clients after using INDIBA?
Apart from horses becoming relaxed during the sessions, you can visibly see improved joint flexibility and back mobility straight afterwards. I think the two things I love the most are the analgesic effect it has and then seeing a real improvement in the horse’s performance. When the horse is pain free it can just go from strength to strength. Being able to run a rehabilitation programme fairly quickly after an injury is incredibly important to their recovery too and this is made wholly possible with INDIBA.
Your favourite moment related to working with horses/humans/animals of your career to date?
I can’t answer for one favourite moment. My job brings lots of highs and simply seeing a horse return to full comfort and soundness is good enough for me, no matter what discipline they work in… its always all about the horse.
Disclaimer: All images included in this article have been submitted by and are property of Sarah Robinson.
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Connect with Sarah Robinson:
Instagram: @equinephysiouk
Facebook: Equine Physio UK
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