Ethical Channel
At INDIBA Group, we are committed to ethical and socially responsible behaviour.
The actions that affect the scope of activity of the INDIBA Group companies are based on the values of Integrity, Trust, Sustainability and Responsibility.
The reflection of this commitment to a culture of compliance is the implementation of an Ethical Channel, through which you can report irregularities, alleged non-compliance or infractions.
We will be faced with an irregularity of this type when an act is committed contrary to current law or contrary to the company’s internal regulations, good governance standards and best business practices.
INDIBA Group provides a specific communication channel that serves as an instrument for all those natural and legal persons who maintain a relationship with us, from workers, suppliers, clients, as well as partners, aware of the occurrence of any irregularity in INDIBA Group, they can notify (even anonymously) to the System Responsible through the following communication channel that INDIBA Group has enabled for this purpose.
This Ethical Channel is exclusive for reporting irregularities, non-compliance or infractions that may have or have criminal relevance.
This Channel is not intended to process claims related to queries, suggestions, incidents or other doubts related to the processing and/or shipping of orders, the quality of our products, or requests for technical or other commercial assistance, which must be addressed through the customer service channels enabled by INDIBA Group.
The Ethical Channel cannot be used to make invented, malicious or unjustified notifications that support the investigation, management and subsequent resolution of false complaints. In the event that a report turns out to be false, INDIBA Group reserves the right to apply the corresponding sanction to the complainant, in accordance with current legislation and the internal regulations of the INDIBA Group.
You can make your complaint through the following Ethical Channel form.
Click here for more information, accessing our Ethical Channel Policy.