Legal Notice
This section includes information regarding the general conditions of access and use of the website, which must be known by the user(s) (the “User/s”), for the purposes provided by the Spanish Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.
Data of the owner of the website
Owner: INDIBA, S.A.U. (en adelante, “INDIBA”).
Address: C/ Moianès, 13 Pol. Ind. Casablancas 08192 Sant Quirze del Vallès (Barcelona) España
Contact: Phone: (+34) 93 265 55 22
Registration details: Registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona, Volume 23714, Folio 44, Sheet B59850
CIF (VAT Num): A-08788804
Conditions of access to
Access to this website is the sole responsibility of the Users and implies that they are aware of and accept the legal notices, conditions, and terms of use it contains.
Access to the services offered through the website es gratuito y no requiere, con carácter general, la suscripción previa o el registro de Usuarios, sin perjuicio de que, para acceder a determinados servicios, es posible que se exija cumplimentar previamente un formulario de contacto.
is free of charge and does not generally require prior subscription or registration of Users, although, to access certain services, it may be necessary to fill out a contact form beforehand.
If the User does not agree with the content of these general browsing conditions, they must leave the website and may not access it or use the services it offers.
The User guarantees the truthfulness and authenticity of the information, if any, communicated and also undertakes to keep this information up to date. Finally, the User is responsible for the inaccuracy or lack of truthfulness of the information provided.
Connections to other websites that may exist, as well as the use that the User may make of them, are subject to these general conditions and to any specific limitations that the mentioned websites may require. Any use other than that authorized is expressly prohibited.
INDIBA may modify, at any time it deems appropriate and without prior notice, the configuration of this website, the terms of service, and its content, as well as delete, limit, or temporarily or permanently suspend them, or prevent access to them, and will endeavor. However, it will endeavor to inform the User of this change, whenever circumstances permit, by publishing it on the website.
Conditions of use of
INDIBA declares and guarantees that the Website has the necessary technology (software and hardware) currently available for access and use. However, INDIBA cannot guarantee the absence of viruses or other harmful elements introduced by any means or by any third party that may cause alterations in the User’s computer systems. On the other hand, the services of this website do not include either the connection to the necessary network for its operation or the device, it being the responsibility of each User to contract with the operator they consider appropriate and acquire the device they consider necessary.
The User undertakes to make appropriate use of the services and content of the website and not to use them for illegal activities or activities that are contrary to the content of this legal notice, intellectual or industrial property regulations, or any other regulations of the legal system. The use made of the information contained on this website is the sole responsibility of the User.
Likewise, for purely illustrative purposes and in no case limiting or excluding, the User agrees not to introduce, transmit, or disseminate:
Content of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic nature, terrorism propaganda, or that violates human rights.
Content that promotes criminal actions, denigrates, defames, incites violence, or, in general, is contrary to law, morality, good customs, or public order.
Information or content that violates fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized both constitutionally and in international treaties.
- Information or content that violates regulations on unfair competition or on intellectual and industrial property rights (including, but not limited to, patents, trademarks, and copyright), of INDIBA.
Unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, spam, chain emails, pyramid schemes, etc.
Data programs (viruses and malware —malicious software—) that are likely to cause damage to the computer systems of the access provider, its suppliers, or third-party internet users.
Likewise, it will not use the website to impersonate the identity of a third party.
INDIBA s not responsible for the content or opinions expressed or sent by Users, and reserves the right to delete at any time any content that appears on the Website that is illegal or that violates the conditions of use set forth herein. In any case, legal responsibility will correspond to the person who commits the infringement.
INDIBA reserves the right to disable, temporarily or permanently, the User’s access to the website and its contents at any time and without prior notice if, in our opinion, the User has violated any provision of the website’s conditions and policies and/or applicable regulations, or there are reasonable doubts in this regard.
INDIBA cannot control the use that Users make of the website and its contents, and for this reason, it is not responsible for any damages and losses of any kind that may arise from illegal, incorrect, inappropriate, or partial use, or from the breach that the User may make of these access and use conditions, as well as any other condition that may be found on this website regarding any of its services, without prejudice, in any case, to the legal actions that correspond to INDIBA or third parties.
INDIBA cannot guarantee the permanent availability and continuity regarding the operation of the website, nor the information, content, software, materials, or products that it includes.
Thus, any liability for damages and losses of any kind that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the website, its services, and the use that Users may make of it is excluded.
In any case, INDIBA will make every effort to maintain the continuous availability of this website.
Likewise, INDIBA is not responsible for any errors or security deficiencies that may occur due to the use by the User of a browser with an outdated or insecure version, as well as the activation of key storage devices or identification codes of the registered User in the browser, or for the damages, errors, or inaccuracies that may arise from misuse or malfunctioning.
For this reason, the User releases INDIBA from any liability regarding the reliability, usefulness, or false expectation that the website may cause during navigation.
In the event that the User causes any type of damage or harm to third parties, this User is solely responsible for it. Likewise, the User will bear the expenses, costs, and, if applicable, the compensation that may arise from legal proceedings motivated by the breach of what is established in these conditions and in the applicable regulations.
Intellectual and industrial property
All website content (including, without limitation, databases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, maps, frames, banners, software and their various source codes, audio, and video), as well as the website itself as a visual presentation, are the property of INDIBA or its content providers. All rights to them are reserved and have been licensed or assigned by them, and are protected by national and international laws on intellectual and industrial property. The compilation (understood as the collection, design, arrangement, and assembly) of all website content is the exclusive property of INDIBA.
All software used in the use and development of the website is the property of INDIBA or its software providers and is protected by national and international laws on industrial and intellectual property.
Without prior written authorization from INDIBA or the holders of intellectual property rights or other property rights to the content, Users are prohibited from, but not limited to, performing the following acts, both with respect to the website and its content:
Any form of public communication, by any means, including making it available to the public, so that anyone can access it from the place and at the time they choose.
Any form of distribution, including, without limitation, sale, rental, and lending.
Any form of direct or indirect reproduction, temporary or permanent, by any means and in any form, of all or part of the website or its contents.
Any form of transformation, total or partial, including the creation of derivative products and services.
Any other form of access that includes the aforementioned forms or others.
Any form, direct or indirect, of extraction and reuse of all or a substantial part of the content of any database, and the extraction or systematic or repeated reuse of its non-substantial parts.
Consequently, the provision and use of databases, images, drawings, graphics, text, audio and video files, and software owned by INDIBA or its providers, which appear on the website, and any other content, do not imply, in any case, the transfer of ownership or the granting of a right to use in favor of the User.
The trademarks, signs, distinctive signs, or logos that appear on the website are owned by INDIBA, whether registered, in the process of being registered, or not. Unauthorized or improper use of these elements constitutes an infringement of INDIBA’s industrial property rights.
Procedure in case of unlawful acts
INDIBA ensures that the contents of this website are not pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist, or defamatory, nor do they promote violence. It also seeks to avoid any circumstances that may be harmful to Users.
In the event that any User or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illegal nature of the use of any content or the performance of any activity on the web pages included or accessible through this website, and in particular, that reveal the violation of industrial or intellectual property rights, or other rights, they must send a notification to INDIBA which must contain the following information:
Personal data of the person claiming: name, address, telephone, and email address.
Specification of the alleged illegal activity and precise and concrete indication of the protected content, as well as its location on the web pages.
In the event of a rights violation: personal data of the holder of the allegedly infringed rights or the authorized person to represent them and their signature.
Clear and express statement, under the responsibility of the claimant, that the information provided in the notification is accurate and that the use of the contents or the performance of the described activities is unlawful.
Protection of personal data
Click here to access the INDIBA Privacy Policy.
Links to third parties
Under no circumstances will INDIBA be responsible for the contents, activities, products, and/or services that may be accessed through electronic links (including « deep links »), directly or indirectly, related to our website. The links included or that may be included on our website do not represent any kind of relationship between INDIBA and the individuals or legal entities owning the websites that may be accessed through such links, nor do they imply any suggestion, invitation, or recommendation regarding the website or its contents.
The links that may be included on the page are offered solely for informational purposes.
Links to
It is strictly prohibited for the User to carry out alterations on this website that may affect its content, such as actions related to links (or links) and similar modifications.
Links to this website from web pages or other means contrary to law, morality, public order, or that affect the good name or image of INDIBA or any of its distinctive signs are also prohibited.
Users or owners of other websites intending to create a link (“link”) to any of the pages of this website that do not contravene the aforementioned prohibitions must ensure and commit to respect the following requirements:
Do not make false, inaccurate, incorrect statements next to the link that may induce error or be contrary to law, morality, or good customs.
- Do not include any trademark or sign susceptible to protection other than the URL address of the website.
- Do not establish links to pages containing content, statements, or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic, terrorism-apologetic nature, or that violate human rights and may in general harm the commercial good name or image of INDIBA or its clients.
In any case, the inclusion of links to the website by other websites does not imply that INDIBA promotes, endorses, guarantees, or recommends the contents of such websites.
The User must be aware that they are accessing this website and, furthermore, the URL corresponding to the page being linked to must appear in their browser.
Legislation and jurisdiction
The general conditions of this legal notice and any other text of a contractual nature of this website are governed by the provisions of Spanish law.
In the event of any dispute arising from access and use of this website and its contents and services, as well as the interpretation and compliance with these general conditions and any other text of a contractual nature of this website, the parties, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit expressly to the courts and tribunals of the city of Barcelona (Spain).
INDIBA may modify its Privacy, Legal Notice, and Cookies policies, as well as any others it may implement in the future, based on legislative and regulatory requirements, or in order to adapt such policies to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or any other competent authority. Therefore, Users are advised to visit them periodically.
When significant changes occur in its legal texts and policies, they will be communicated to Users either through the website or via email to registered Users.
The illegality, invalidity, or ineffectiveness of any provision of the conditions and policies of this website will not affect the effectiveness of the rest. Such provisions must be replaced or supplemented with others that, being in accordance with the law, serve the purpose of those replaced. The parties waive any claim for damages that may be requested due to this circumstance.
© 2024 INDIBA S.A.U.