Facial Creams

Published : 16 September, 2020

Facial Creams

Published:16 September,2020

New Facial creams within the PROIONIC® creams range

  • Light Cream: Helps to maintain the pH and balance of the skin. Ideal for acne-prone skin and seborrheic dermatitis.
  • Sensitive Cream: For sensitive and atopic skin. Calms skin and relieves discomfort.
  • Cannabidiol Cream: With pure CBD to soothe and nourish the skin, promote regeneration and relieve discomfort.
  • Whitening Cream: With ingredients that help even skintone and pigmentation.
  • Antiaging Cream: Designed for mature skin, improving texture, hydration and elasticity.

Four key reasons why you should offer the new facial creams:

  • Differentiation from other businesses with standard treatments, maximizing the INDIBA® experience for all patients.
  • Double benefit: traditional INDIBA® facial treatment + tailored treatment with specific ingredients for any skin type.
  • High personalized treatments for your patients. you can treat patients with any type of sensitive or atopic skin and increase loyalty thanks to personalized treatments focused on their needs.
  • Higher product portfolio. You can increase your business by offering a wider variety of treatments.



For more information on these products, please send us your details below and one of our product specialists will get in touch with you.