AMWC 2023 – Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress

Past webinars / March 30, 2023 - April 1, 2023

Conferences and Events/ March 30th – April 1st at Grimaldi Forum, Monaco.

Held in glamorous, sun-drenched Monaco, the AMWC is the world’s leading scientific conference specializing in aesthetic and anti-ageing medicine. This year, the event, a staple of the aesthetics circuit, returns for its 21st edition. The conference is set to welcome over 12,000 participants, 250 esteemed speakers, and 250 of the industry’s most innovative companies to engage in a scintillating scientific program and a lively exhibition.

INDIBA will be one of the key companies at this event, located at stand F10. Amongst our technologies and treatment protocols exhibited at the congress, INDIBA will showcase its new Reverso, ONA, ELITE NS and K-Laser Blue Derma devices.

Furthermore, INDIBA will provide a one-hour symposium on April 1st at 11 AM in Prince Pierre Hall. Called “40 years Shaping the Future of Anti-aging,” the seminar will be split into two sessions which are as follows:

  • 11:00 -11:30 am : Dr. Corral Baqués will guide attendees through the key clinical trials that explain INDIBA’s technology and its effectiveness in this treatment area. This year is our 40th anniversary, so this talk will represent a deep dive into the many studies that explain the utility of INDIBA technologies in anti-aging therapies.
  • 11:30-12:00 pm : Dr. Gold & Dr. Goldberg will present our new Reverso device and explain its effectiveness and the results it has achieved for patients. This talk will be joined by a live demonstration of the Reverso device to explicate its capabilities further.

Finally, INDIBA will provide treatments at its booth, demonstrating the efficacy and convenience of its devices.

Key INDIBA Moments at AMWC:

  • One-hour symposium on April 1st @ 11 AM in Prince Pierre Hall.
  • Live demonstrations of Reverso and other devices at booth F10.

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